Conroy Gold and Natural Resources plc intersected zinc and lead mineralisation in two scout holes drilled at its Mountain Lodge base metal target in Northern Ireland.

The target and that of the adjacent Wolf Island lie to the southeast of the precious metals target area at Clay Lake.
The drill holes, totalling 464m, tested 275m of the 800m wide section of the zinc-in-soil anomaly.
Hole ML-22-004, drilled to 182m, intersected 30m at 0.42% combined zinc and lead from 9m including 3m at 0.83% zinc and lead combined from 34m.
Conroy drilled ML-22-005, 100m to the east of ML-22-004, to 264m with results of 25m grading 0.26% zinc and lead combined from 11m and including 1m grading 1.05% zinc and lead combined from 20m.
The company said that the drill holes demonstrated that wide zones of 30m and 25m of zinc mineralisation were present at a low grade.
Conroy has yet to test more than 500m of the zinc anomaly’s width to the west.
“These results from the first scout holes in this extensive anomaly are encouraging,” said chairman Professor Richard Conroy.
“The wide intersections indicate the potential for base metals in an area which was once known as the Armagh Monaghan mining district.”