Condor Gold plc said that a fixed gold recovery of 91% will be used in the project economics of the forthcoming feasibility study for La India gold project in Nicaragua.

The figure comes from the final results of metallurgical tests for the FS on the La India open pit, which showed that gold recovery was independent of grade.
The company said that confirmatory testwork demonstrated that a fixed gold recovery of 91% assumed a 75 micron grind size.
At a finer grind size of 53 microns an average gold extraction of 94.7% was achieved, indicating a potential upside gold recovery of about 93%.
Condor added that the 2022 FS would bring the level of confidence for the project to the industry-standard of engineering design, sufficient to support +/- 15% capital and operating cost estimates.
Chairman and chief executive Mark Child said that the very comprehensive metallurgical test-work was of the highest standards because an FS level is the technical document to which hat determines project finance.
“91% metallurgical recovery over the life of mine is a terrific result and represents a significant de-risking of one of the most important variables in the development of a new mine at La India project and provides significant comfort to investors.”