Company Moves Metals & Minerals News

Condor Gold appoints Denham Eke as NED

Condor Gold plc has appointed Denham Eke as a non-executive director of the company. 

Mr Eke’s appointment is a condition of Galloway Ltd’s subscription for the £1m unsecured convertible loan notes on 28 November.

He is the sole director of Galloway Ltd, an 18.7% shareholder in Condor which is wholly owned by Burnbrae Group Ltd which is, in turn, wholly owned by Condor’s chairman Jim Mellon.

Mr Eke began his career in stockbroking before moving into corporate planning for a major UK insurance broker.

He is also a director of many years’ standing of public and private companies involved in the mining, leisure, manufacturing and financial services sectors.

Mr Eke is the managing director of Burnbrae Group Ltd, Galloway Ltd and also executive vice chairman of Manx Financial Group plc, finance director of Agronomics Ltd and Bradda Head Lithium Ltd, and chairman of Webis Holdings plc.