Extractive Industries

Condor completes 8,004m infill drilling at La Mestiza

Condor Gold plc has completed an 8,004m infill drilling programme on the high-grade La Mestiza open pit mineral resource at La India gold project in Nicaragua.

Readiness: Condor Gold already has monthly mine schedules for the Mestiza open pit early extraction (Pixabay)


The programme tightened drill spacing to 25m along strike and 50m down-dip in the zones with the potential to support open pit mine development.

Drilling is expected to improve the existing open pit gold mineral resource to the indicated category to be potentially included in future pre-feasibility or feasibility studies of La India gold mine development.

Condor said that a total of 96 diamond core drill holes for 8,004 m infill drilling were completed on the high-grade La Mestiza open pit.

La India open pit has an open pit mineral resource of 36,000 oz gold in the indicated category and 85,000 oz gold in the in the inferred category.


La Mestiza open pit contains an estimated fully diluted mill feed of 499Kt at 5.37g/t gold for 86,000 oz gold in the September 2021 PEA and is targeted for early extraction.

The Mestiza vein set remains open down dip and along strike in both directions and has the potential for further significant discovery.

Chairman and chief executive Mark Child said that the company already had monthly mine schedules for the open pit in readiness for early extraction.

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