Metals & Minerals News

Condor completes La India geotechnical drilling

Condor Gold plc has completed 21 geotechnical drill holes for 2,551.50m for the feasibility study (FS) at its 100% owned La India gold project in Nicaragua.

Objective: the geotechnical programme aims to upgrade the PFS work to an FS level (Pixabaygeneric)


The company said that the programme needed a total of 2,551.50m of oriented core drilling supported by optical and acoustic televiewer scanning, as well as geotechnical lab testing on core samples.

The new information is in addition to the data set developed for the preliminary feasibility study (PFS) which consisted of 11 geotechnical holes for a total of 1,836.25 m, and 12 resource drill holes for a total of 2550.43m

Condor added that the primary objective of the geotechnical programme was to upgrade the PFS work to an FS level.