Metals & Minerals News

Condor chooses Hanlon as lead engineer for FSD

Condor Gold plc has chosen Hanlon Engineering & Associates to develop a feasibility study design (FSD) for a new processing plant around Condor’s new SAG mill at La India project in Nicaragua.

Plant: Condor expects initial production of 80,000 to 100,000 oz gold per annum based on the nominal capacity of 2,300 tpd (Pixabay)

Hanlon will be responsible for the engineering designs, the capital cost and operating costs of the processing plant.

The Tucson company is a wholly owned subsidiary company of GR Engineering Services Ltd (GRES) and will be the lead engineer for the work which is expected to be delivered within 12 weeks.

Hanlon will work with its parent company on the designs.


Condor said that the FSD would develop costs to a + / – 15% level of accuracy for the design, capex and opex of a fully engineered processing plant package, which is normally a mandatory requirement of debt financing.

The processing plant will be designed to a nominal capacity of 2,300 tpd, but have the built- in capacity in several key areas to upgrade throughput potentially to 2,850 tpd.

Initial production is expected to range from 80,000 to 100,000 oz gold per annum based on the nominal capacity of 2,300 tpd.

“It’s important to note that Hanlon Engineering was engaged by First Majestic Silver, the vendor of the SAG mill, to help design the new SAG mill recently purchased by Condor,” said Condor chairman and chief executive Mark Child.

“Their knowledge of the SAG mill and involvement with many similar process plant designs completed to date will help fast track the delivery of the feasibility study design.”

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