The Cloughton discovery contains preliminary mean gas in place of 192 bcf, within the expected range, said operator Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings) plc.

Europa said the discovery well “flowed good quality sweet gas at rates of up to 40,000 scf/day on natural flow” and a well could flow at “6 mmscf/day”.
The company calculated the figure by summing the volumes of five separate discovered horizons.
A location for an appraisal well pad has been identified and, on successful testing, Europa plans to connect the field to the nearby gas grid.
Chief executive officer Will Holland added that the in-place volumes were within the expected range.
“As previously announced, the technical work continues and we are now looking at a conceptual development plan for the field, which we believe will demonstrate the material potential value of the licence.
“In parallel with the ongoing subsurface work we are also engaging with the various stakeholders required to obtain the necessary permits and consents needed to drill an appraisal well in order to demonstrate the productivity of the field.”
PEDL 343 contains two nieghbouring blocks, TA09 and SE99a and covers 110km2.
Block TA09 lies north of Scarborough along the east coast and Block SE99a is located to its west.
Licence partners comprise Europa, Egdon Resources plc (each with 40%) and Petrichor Partners LP (20%).
Drilled by Bow Valley in 1986, the Cloughton-1 discovery well encountered gas throughout the Carboniferous section.
Four zones were tested, three of which were in the Carboniferous, the other within the Permian dolomitic limestone.