Extractive Industries

Clontarf grants directors 160m incentive share options

Clontarf Energy plc has granted its directors long-term, incentive share options over a total 160,000,000 ordinary shares of 0.01p each in the company.


The company added that the options vest immediately and have an exercise price of 0.0725p which is a premium of c. 4% to the closing price on 16 January 2023.

The options expire on 16 January 2030.

Directors include chairman David Horgan (60m), non-executive director Peter O’Toole (40m), financial director and company secretary James Finn (40) and financial controller Dipti Mehta (20m).


Following the grant, a total of 200,500,000 long-term, incentive options are outstanding, representing approximately 4.59% of the company’s issued share capital as enlarged by yesterday’s £1.3 million fundraising.

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