Central Asia Metals plc has published its 2021 Sustainability Report covering group activities, the Sasa zinc-lead mine in North Macedonia and the Kounrad dump leach, solvent extraction and electro-winning copper recovery plant in Kazakhstan.

The report is the company’s third and the second in accordance with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards ‘Core option’.
Areas covered include Central Asia Metals’ approach to transparent business conduct, maintaining safe operations and healthy working environments, and its efforts to minimise negative environmental or social impacts.
The company said that executive director and senior management remuneration would reflect performance against goals.
The report also includes climate-related financial disclosures, including the company’s climate change strategy, developed during 2021.
Central Asia Metals has committed to a 50% reduction in its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030 versus a 2020 base, and to achieving net zero by 2050.
Chief executive Nigel Robinson added that during 2022, the company would undertake climate change scenario analysis and, in 2023, start to calculate Scope 3 emissions.
“The Sasa cut-and-fill project-related technical studies that were undertaken during 2021 have enabled us to set surface water withdrawal reduction and waste storage improvement targets for the mine over the long term.”
The company recorded four lost time injuries at Sasa and has since hired a new group health and safety manager.
“During the year, we have further strengthened our governance protocol in the areas of human rights and anti-bribery and corruption, with a particular focus on enhancing our supplier agreements, assessment procedures and support in this regard,” added Mr Robinson.
He added that the company also formed diversity and inclusion committees at both sites to set specific targets to improve gender equality.