Central Asia Metals plc (CAM) has published its 2020 Sustainability Report for group activities and at the Sasa zinc-lead mine in North Macedonia and the Kounrad copper recovery plant in Kazakhstan.

Last year, CAM identified four of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to which the company could best contribute.
These include no poverty; good health and well-being; quality education; and decent work and economic growth.
CAM has also committed to 2021 and/or long-term targets in order to maintain momentum in its sustainability achievements.
The company’s performance in these areas will be reported in next year’s sustainability report, with additional targets set as appropriate.
Executive director and senior management remuneration will also reflect performance against:
– zero human rights abuse
– zero fatalities
– demonstration of a 15% decrease in the lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) over the last five-year period (2021 LTIFR should be below 1.16)
– implementation of a three-year collective agreement at Sasa during 2021
– to ensure during 2021 that all employees are on a permanent contract after 12 months’ employment at Sasa
– zero severe or major environmental incidents
– zero severe or major community related incidents commitment of 0.25% group revenue to social investment
CAM’s 73-page 2020 Sustainability Report is the company’s second and its first in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards ‘Core option‘.
Points include transparent business conduct, maintainance of safe operations and healthy working environments, maximisation of the value it creates for stakeholders, and its efforts to minimise negative environmental or social impacts.
The miner engaged external consultants Environmental Resources Management to verify and assess material sustainability topics.
Chief executive Nigel Robinson said that last year had been challenging due to Covid-19 and the leakage at Sasa Tailings Storage Facility 4 (TSF4) in September 2020.
“However, I believe our overall sustainability performance was strong and I was particularly pleased that we recorded no lost time injuries at either operation, demonstrating our commitment to safety.”
The miner also hired a group people manager to develop employees and HR practices, developed a formal Human Rights Policy, and supported local community causes many of which related to the pandemic.
“Sustainability is central to our business and, as a group, we appreciate that our stakeholders require clear, balanced and transparent disclosure on environmental, social and governance issues,” added Mr Robinson.
“We believe that, in publishing our 2020 Sustainability Report in accordance with GRI standards, we are demonstrating our commitment to this standard of reporting going forwards.
“We welcome any feedback from our stakeholders.”