Metals & Minerals News

Central Asia directors in 1.4m options exercise

Central Asia Metals plc directors today exercised 1,383,849 nominal cost options over ordinary shares of US$0.01 each in the company, at an exercise price of $0.01 for a total £3,072,976.

Central Asia said it settled the option exercise, under its employee share plan 2011, in cash at £2.2206 per share. No actual shares were sold or acquired in the process.

Non-executive chairman Nick Clarke exercised 588,209 options for £1,306,176.91 and has 986,695 options remaining.

Chief executive Nigel Robinson exercised 657,749 for £1,460,597.43 (1,395,174) and director of corporate development Louise Wrathall exercised 137,891 for £306,200.75 (530,670).