Extractive Industries

CAML progresses remediation from tailings leakage

Central Asia Metals plc (CAM) said it had made further progress with its environmental and social responsibilities, notably the leakage from its Sasa tailing storage facility at Sasa zinc-lead mine in North Macedonia.

Transparency: Central Asia Metals is due to publish its second Sustainability Report in line with GRI standards (CAM)

The company has focused on remediation work, cementing relationships with communities and is on course to producing its second sustainability report.

CAM owns 100% of the Kounrad SX-EW copper project in central Kazakhstan and 100% of the Sasa mine.

At Kounrad, copper is produced from what was waste material at costs that are among the lowest in the world.


In its financial results for 2020, CAM said it had removed most of the tailings that spilled into the River Kamanka following a leakage its Sasa zinc-lead mine in North Macedonia.

The company added that it was also focused on biodiversity and regeneration at the site as well as creating a youth park along the banks of the river.

“We were disappointed to report a leakage at our TSF4 in September 2020,” said chief executive Nigel robinson.

“However, under the guidance of global tailings experts, Knight Piésold, we were able to swiftly repair the facility and make some engineering, operational and monitoring improvements for the future stability of the dam.

“Most importantly, we managed to maintain our strong government and local community relationships through our transparent and open approach to this issue, as well as our efforts in remediating the river.”

The company estimates that by the end of 2020 more than 95% of the tailings deposited during the leakage had been removed from the river.

Efforts to remove the remaining tailings continue into 2021, with the necessary sediment traps already in place and collecting material.


Mr Robinson added that biodiversity efforts would increase during 2021, with revegetation and tree planting activities along the riverbanks, as well as the long-term monitoring of algae and macro-invertebrate regeneration.

CAM will also develop a youth park along the banks of the river, which will include walking trails, plant trees and flowerbeds, fountains, a pagoda and a children’s play area as a community project.

The miner added it was working on “other sustainability aspects” and that it was due to publish its second Sustainability Report during Q2 2021, which will be the company’s first to the Global Reporting Initiative standards.


During 2020, CAM spent $0.5 million at Sasa and Kounrad, some 60% of its community support budget, assisting local communities and national efforts with the pandemic.

In Kazakhstan, the company’s Kounrad Foundation charity purchased a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) machine for Balkhash Central Hospital to ensure timely virus testing for the local population.

In North Macedonia, Sasa donated $166,000 to provide support for hospitals (some 50% of funds), as well as providing help for the most vulnerable in the local community and contributing to the Government’s Ministry of Health Covid-19 fund.

CAM recently opened the Sasa Foundation,with both foundations supporting sustainable and long-term development around the company’s operations.

The miner added that it employed more than 1,000 people in Kazakhstan and North Macedonia and uses local suppliers with many others dependent on it for their livelihoods.

*Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

The GRI is an independent, international organisation founded in 1997 in Boston, USA following calls for corporate responsibility resulting from the Exxon Valdez oil spill.

It helps businesses, governments and other bodies to understand and communicate their impact on issues such as climate change, human rights and corruption by providing standards for transparent sustainability reporting – the GRI Standards.

The GRI secretariat’s headquarters are in Amsterdam and its seven regional hubs are in Johannesburg (Africa), Singapore (ASEAN), São Paulo (Brazil), Hong Kong (Greater China Region), Bogota (Hispanic America), New York (North America), and New Delhi (South Asia). All other regions (including Europe) are supported from Amsterdam.

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