Metals & Minerals News

CAML reports strong Q1 at Kounrad and Sasa

Central Asia Metals plc said it was on course to meet its full-year production guidance at its copper recovery plant in Kazakhstan and zinc-lead mine in North Macedonia.

Safety: the company recorded zero lost time injuries at Kounrad and one at Sasa (Central Asia Metals – Sasa underground)


Chief executive Nigel Robinson said the company had recorded a strong performance during Q1 at Kounrad in Kazakhstan.

Central Asia Metals’ copper production at the dump leach, solvent extraction and electro-winning (SX-EW) copper recovery plant was 3,024 tonnes.

Copper sales during Q1 2022 were 2,906t.

Metal production (tonnes) Q1 2022 Q1 2021
Central Asia Metals production summary at Kounrad and Sasa (Central Asia Metals)


Sasa zinc in concentrate production was 5,240t, with Sasa lead in concentrate production of 6,736t.

In Q1, mined and processed ore were 197,501t and 197,986t respectively.

Q1 2022 metallurgical recoveries were 84.3% for zinc and 93.3% for lead. 

In Q1 2022, Central Asia Metals produced 10,519t of concentrate containing 49.81% zinc and 9,488t of concentrate containing 70.99% lead.

During Q1 2022, Sasa sold 74,795 oz of payable silver to Osisko Gold Royalties, in accordance with its streaming agreement. 

 Units Q1 2022 Q1 2021
Ore mined t197,501207,704
Plant feedt197,986210,413
Zinc grade%3.143.23
Zinc recovery%84.384.5
Lead grade%3.653.57
Lead recovery%93.393.5
Zinc concentratet (dry)10,51911,521
–      Grade%49.849.8
–      Contained zinct5,2405,742
Lead concentratet (dry)9,4889,730
–      Grade%71.072.1
–      Contained leadt6,7367,016
Q1 figures for zinc and lead mining at Sasa mine (Central Asia Metals)


The company recorded zero lost time injuries (LTI) at Kounrad and one LTI at Sasa.


Central Asia Metals’ full year 2022 guidance for copper is 12,500 to 13,500t; zinc in concentrate, 20,000 to 22,000t, and lead in concentrate, 27,000 to 29,000t.