Extractive Industries

Cadence notes mine preparations for Lake Giles

Cadence Minerals plc announced that further licence applications have been made to support the intended hematite mining operations at Lake Giles iron project in Western Australia.

Mine camp: the mine plan has been accelerated at the West Lake iron project (Macarthur Minerals Ltd)

The applications from Macarthur Minerals Ltd, in which Cadence holds a 1% interest, are part of the Australian operator’s preparations for a mine plan for a direct shipment ore (DSO) product.

The company’s mining campaign will initially target the Snark and Drabble Downs deposits of the Lake Giles Ularring hematite project.

The detailed mine planning work focuses on project optimisation, mine design and layout, costs and implementation.

Macarthur has applied for miscellaneous licences to support the development of a mining camp and mining services infrastructure.

The company has also held discussions with road haulage contractors and identified rail and export options utilising existing infrastructure.

A mining proposal is expected to be lodged during Q3 2021 and, subject to approval, the company intends to target start DSO production at Ularring at the earliest opportunity.

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