News Oil & Gas

Block testing proves unswept oil in Patardzeuli field

Block Energy plc said that the JSR-01 DEEP testing programme had proven oil from a previously unproduced zone in the Patardzeuli field in Block X1B, Georgia.

Target: set of 15 existing vertical wells is being ranked to define the optimal deepening candidates (Block Energy)


The company began drilling the well in July 2022 under Project II comprising the full redevelopment of Patardzeuli.

Block Energy today reported that results demonstrated the company’s concept of unswept oil in the field.

The success of the well, currently on production at 45 bopd, signals a continuation of Project II.


Well JSR-01 DEEP is Block Energy’s first Project II appraisal well and is located in the southwest of the Patardzeuli field. 

The company said it drilled the well 470m deeper than the donor JSR-01 well, close to the original oil-water contact.

Drilling at an inclined angle allowed the testing of different zones to help evaluate the remaining oil potential.


Block Energy will incorporate the results into the subsurface model before revising the Patardzeuli contingent resources. 

“This will support full-field redevelopment plans through the deepening of existing vertical wells and the design and execution of horizontal wells,” added the company.

“Unswept oil in the field will be initially targeted by low-cost drilling techniques using the company’s recently upgraded A-80 service rig for an initial well-deepening programme across the field.  

“An opportunity set of 15 existing vertical wells is being ranked to define the optimal deepening candidates.”

Block Energy will then focus on horizontal drilling, designed to sweep larger undrained areas and deliver superior productivity versus vertical wells, as demonstrated in the West Rustavi/Krtsanisi and Ninotsminda fields.