News Oil & Gas

Block encouraged by WR-B01Za test results

Block Energy plc reported positive results from its wellbore clean-out and well test of the WR-B01Za development oil well as part of Project I at West Rustavi in Georgia.

Planned: the WR-B01Za trajectory followed a seismic lineation parallel to the lineation penetrated by JKT-01Z (Block Energy)


Project I is the development of the Middle Eocene oil reservoir in the West Rustavi-Krtsanisi field.

The reservoir is divided into eight development areas, the first of which being drilled is the Krtsanisi anticline area.

Block Energy’s internal contingent resource report shows 2C contingent resources of 19.5 MMstb to Project I.


In February, unstable wellbore conditions in WR-B01Za across a suspected fault caused escalating tool failure and lost-in-hole risk.

Following a low-cost wellbore intervention, today’s results are of the subsequent test on the well, which has been producing at a rate of 269 boepd (241 bopd oil & 4,800 m3/d gas) over 12 days.

“No formation water has been produced to date,” said Block Energy.

“The well has continued to flow naturally through choke settings ranging from 7.1 mm (18/64″) to 11.1 mm (28/64”) and has now been handed over to the production team.

“As planned, the WR-B01Za trajectory penetrated and followed a seismic lineation running parallel to and 500m to the west of the lineation penetrated by JKT-01Z.

“Cumulative production from the Block side track programme now stands above 250,000 boe.” 


The first development well JKT-01Z began production in January 2022 and continues to perform “better than that predicted”.

The company intends to drill the remaining side-tracks and new wells defined in the Krtsanisi anticline field development plan.

“The results of the operation are very encouraging for future development and the production added by WR-B01Za is material to the company, ” added chief executive Paul Haywood.