Baron Oil plc expects to conduct site surveys during February and March at the planned drill location for the Chuditch-2 appraisal well, offshore Timor Leste.

The surveys will identify potential hazards at the proposed well site to ensure minimal environmental impact when locating a drilling rig can be safely located on the TL-SO-19-16 production sharing contract.
The work, in partnership with a nearby operator, comprises geophysical studies and physical investigation of the seabed and shallow geological section.
Baron said that estimated cost savings from sharing services and vessel mobilisation compared with standalone acquisition were “significant”.
The shared operation also allowed acquisition of the site survey earlier than originally planned, enabling acceleration of aspects of well design and applications for environmental approval.
Baron said its subsidiary SundaGas Banda Unipessoal Lda maintained dialogues with other companies active in the region to identify operational synergies for the drilling of Chuditch-2.