News Oil & Gas

Baron Oil secures first step to drill-test Chuditch-2

Baron Oil plc has secured the first step for approval to drill and test the Chuditch-2 appraisal well planned for late 2024 offshore Timor-Leste.

Decision: on gas exports from the Chuditch field is expected after the appraisal drilling results (stock photo)


The company’s wholly owned subsidiary SundaGas Banda Unipessoal Lda, which operates the TL-SO-19-16 production sharing contract, will now submit a terms of reference including initial public consultations.

This forms the second of three steps to secure an environmental permit from the Government’s oil and gas regulator Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo (ANP).

Baron said it continued to make good progress in preparations for drilling the appraisal well which is subject to financing.

“SundaGas, its joint venture partner TIMOR GAP Chuditch Unipessoal Lda and ANP recently held the first of a number of workshops to collaborate on planning for drilling operations.

“All aspects of the preliminary operational plans were reviewed, including provisional well designs, detailed procurement procedures and health, safety and environmental planning.

“The next workshop is scheduled for mid-December 2023.”

SundaGas aims to use as many local support services sub-contractors as possible for drilling Chuditch-2.

The subsidiary has recruited a Timorese drilling engineer and seeks expressions of interest from in-country including suppliers of marine and helicopter logistics, fuel and consumables.

Baron continues to evaluate potential options for gas export from the Chuditch field with a decision expected after the appraisal drilling results and in collaboration with its JV partner, ANP and the Government.