Finance Metals & Minerals News

Power Metal receives £41,283 via warrant exercise

Power Metal Resources received £41,283 following notices to exercise warrants over 5,404,663 new ordinary shares of 0.1 pence each in the company. The notices were for 799,400 warrants at an exercise price of 1 pence per ordinary share; 2,105,263 warrants at 0.75 pence per ordinary share; and 2.5 million warrants at 0.7 pence per ordinary […]

News Oil & Gas

Spirit and Wood to extend life of Morcambe gas fields

Spirit Energy and Wood have entered into a $130 million (£95m) agreement on late life solutions for one of the UK’s largest gas accumulations, Morcambe gas fields in the Irish Sea. The five-year consolidated services contract will see Wood aim to extend field life, lower costs and reduce late life carbon intensity across the Hub’s […]

News Oil & Gas

Neptune awarded six new Norwegian Sea licences

Neptune Energy has been awarded six new licences in the Awards in Predefined Areas (APA) 2020, announced by the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy.   Neptune Energy won four licences in the Norwegian North Sea and two in the Norwegian Sea. All the licences are located close to existing infrastructure in areas where the company […]

News Oil & Gas

Spirit wins new North Sea-Norwegian Sea licences

Spirit Energy has won three new licences in the Awards in Predefined Areas (APA) 2020 round in the North Sea and Norwegian Sea. Production Licence 1049 B is in the North Sea where the operator is Equinor (40%) and partners are Petoro (20%) and Spirit Energy (20%). Production Licence 1112 is in the Norwegian Sea. […]

News Oil & Gas

Spirit aims to extend life of Grove NE field with new well

Spirit Energy said it would drill a new well in the Grove North East area which could extend the field’s life by five years to 2028 and improve prospects of additional opportunities in the area. The hydrocarbon exploration and production (E&P) company has studied several options including horizontal, simple vertical and platform deviated wells, subsea […]