Helium One Global Ltd has appointed Mitchell Drilling Ltd as drilling contractor for the first three-well exploration programme at its 100% owned Rukwa project in Tanzania. FAST TRACK The Australian operator, with more than 50 years’ experience and 115 rigs globally, will mobilise a drill rig already within Tanzania before starting work in mid-May. The company has the option […]
Author: editorial
Rathlin starts West Newton-A public consultation
Rathlin Energy (UK) Ltd has started a virtual public consultation on the planned West Newton A (WN-A) hydrocarbon field near Hull in East Yorkshire. PROGRAMME The PEDL 183 licence contains the West Newton A-1 (WN-A1) discovery well, the A-2 appraisal well, along with the recently drilled B-1Z discovery. Drill results in December 2020 revealed that […]
RRAL appoints David Holden as board director
Red Rock Resources Australasia Pty Ltd (RRAL) has appointed exploration manager David Holden as a new board director. Mr Holden has extensive geological and public company experience, at both CTO and CEO level.
RRAL appoints Jack McInerney as exploration geologist
Red Rock Resources Pty Ltd (RRAL) has appointed Jack McInerney as exploration geologist. My McInnery has four years of regional experience at the Ballarat gold mine in the Victoria goldfields, Australia.
Serica spuds Columbus development well
Serica Energy plc has spud the Columbus 23/16f-CDev1 development well in the UK Central North Sea. INFRASTRUCTURE On 17 March, the Maersk Resilient heavy duty jack-up rig began drilling to a target total depth of 17,600ft, and will include a 5,600ft horizontal section. Drilling is expected to take around 70 days. The Columbus development area […]
Predator finds early revenue path for Guercif gas
Predator Oil & Gas Holdings plc said it had found a simple way to early monetisation of the group’s Guercif MOU-1 gas well site in Morocco. The company commissioned SLR Consulting Ltd to develop a high level scheme for the transport costs of dry gas to existing reception facilities via a pilot compressed natural gas […]