Metals & Minerals News

Arkle begins lithium prospecting on Aughrim

Arkle Resources plc has begun a reconnaissance prospecting programme on lithium-bearing pegmatites on its recently acquired Aughrim block of licences in County Wicklow.

Aim: to narrow down initial targets for follow up work to define drill sites (stock photo)


Comprising four prospecting licences over more than 150km2, the block is also prospective for gold being contiguous to the company’s Mine River gold exploration project.

Compilation work has revealed “multiple new targets” on Aughrim, which Arkle is currently following up with ground investigations.

In total 10 priority target areas have been identified among 27 prospective areas.

The company said that unmapped granite bodies noted within the block relate to the Leinster granite which is highly prospective for lithium, caesium and tantalum.

Further work will also look at old copper workings noted within Aughrim.

Chairman John Teeling added that the main target was lithium but there were “good indications of copper, tungsten and gold”.

“Current work will aim to narrow down our initial targets to key areas for follow up work aiming at defining drill sites.”

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