Metals & Minerals News

Arkle drill results expand strike length at Inishowen

Arkle Resources plc said results from drilling in December at the Inishowen prospect had expanded the strike length of the known gold bearing structure.

Discovery: of gold mineralisation in multiple holes along strike demonstrates that the main vein continues northwards as predicted (Pixabay)


The company drilled four holes for a total 220.4m, of which the first two targeted the main vein at Meeneragh

Recorded gold grades, found within quartz veins and fault gouge and surrounding wall rock, were up to 1.65 g/t gold over 0.8m gold from split core samples at the County Donegal project.

Arkle said that the grade was under represented due to significant core loss and that it would in future use triple-tube while drilling.

“We are encouraged by the results of our drilling programme at Inishowen,” added chairman John Teeling.

“The discovery of gold mineralisation in multiple holes along strike demonstrates that the main vein continues northwards as predicted but will now require further drilling to truly evaluate its potential.  

“We are not deterred by the lower grades in this recent drilling campaign as this is typical in these types of systems and we expect grades and widths to fluctuate along strike.”