Extractive Industries

Angus buys new equipment to reconnect Saltfleetby gas

Angus Energy has invested in new equipment to reconnect the Saltfleetby Gas Field in Lincolnshire to the national gas transmission network.

Target: Angus Energy is reconnecting Saltfleetby gas field to the national gas transmission network (Angus Energy)

Key Facts Energy reported that the hydrocarbon company has entered into agreements for a full fiscal metering and gas analysis system, two Caterpillar gas driven engine system, two Ariel Compressor Units, one of the most up-to-date, fully shrouded, emergency flaring systems.

Angus also expects to finalise terms on a gas dehydration and dewpoint control unit. 

In addition, Angus announced the successful outcome to two extended horizontal directional drills and threading of the Soluforce 4″ pipeline to within 15 metres of the national transmission grid entry point at Theddlethorpe ready to be connected at surface.

This is the first example of very high pressure, hydrogen-capable pipework in a commercial connection to the national transmission system.

Work to extend the gas pipeline by 750 metres at Saltfleetby began in October. (bit.ly/3kYE3zI)

The company will now focus on completing the 10″ connection.

Angus Energy’s managing director George Lucan said: “We continue to progress procurement of key processing equipment for the Saltfleetby gas field.

“Specifically we are aiming to secure only those items which require the greatest lead times in production, re-engineering or delivery, with only modest financial outlay, whilst we proceed to negotiate and structure the full debt financing facility for the processing plant.  

“We are very pleased by the interest expressed to date by potential funding partners and by their estimation of the value of the asset to be financed.”

(Based on an article by Key Facts Energy)

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