News Oil & Gas

Angus seismic shows extension out of Lidsey

Angus Energy plc said that a completed seismic reinterpretation showed a significant extension out of licence PL241 area of the Lidsey oil field, West Sussex.

Mapping: a significant structure at Lidsey supports a commercially significant estimate of oil in place (Angus Energy)


The site operator and majority owner (80%) said in a statement that the seismic was the final part of the most comprehensive review of the Lidsey structure ever conducted.

It includes the reprocessing of all historical seismic lines, the use of a newly acquired east-west seismic line over the field, and the data from both the wells on the field and also nearby wells.

Angus added that the remapping had resulted in some further changes to the shape of the structure but now fitted and was consistent with all available data.

“The company’s re-mapping of the structure also shows it to extend a significant distance out of the licence area in some scenarios and Angus is now opening a dialogue with the holder of that surrounding licence to consider how we might proceed together to address the future of the field.”


The company said it was confident that the new field mapping explained the issues experienced during 2017 with the Lidsey X2 well.  

“It is now the directors’ clear belief that the structure culminates near the wellsite area and extends to the east and northeast. 

“Prior to the drilling of Lidsey X2, it was thought that the structure extended to the west and the westerly trajectory of the Lidsey X2 well accordingly targeted an area close to the edge of the structure.

“The new mapping shows there to be a significant structure not dissimilar in area to the original structure considered by the previous competent person’s report, which continues to support a commercially significant estimate of oil in place.”   


The company added that the interpretation allowed it to narrow its field of focus in target selection.

Angus will also explore low-cost options for remediation of the field’s productivity centre relating to the reuse, work-over or side-tracking of the existing wells.

The project’s joint venture partners Terrain Energy (10%) and Brockham Capital (10%) will now consider the seismic.