Extractive Industries

Angus to divert Saltfleetby pipeline onto National Grid

Angus Energy plc is to extend and divert its existing gas pipeline at Saltfleetby on the East Lincolnshire coast onto the nearby National Grid entry point.

Progress: Eight wells and several sidetracks have so far been drilled on the site (Angus Energy)


The county council granted permission for the work in onshore Saltfleetby gas field, which involves extending the pipe by 750 metres, to the Theddlethorpe gas rerminal (TGT).

Angus expects to start drilling and trenching during September as well as installing processing facilities ahead of commissioning estimated for early 2021.


The Saltfleetby gas field was discovered in 1996 and is the largest onshore gas field in the UK with gas initially in-place of 114 bcf.

Production began in 1999 at rates exceeding 50 MMScf per day and gas, water, and condensate was piped via a short pipeline to the nearby TGT where it was processed and sent into the National Grid.

Eight wells and several sidetracks have so far been drilled on the site.

In 2017, TGT was closed and left without a location to process the produced gas or a direct export route.

Angus Energy acquired a 51% interest and operating rights in Saltfleetby in 2019-2020.

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