Extractive Industries

Angus nears live gas at Saltfleetby

Angus Energy plc expects live gas in less than a week with first gas shortly afterwards at Saltfleetby, east Lincolnshire.

Anticipated: production during Q3 comfortably exceeds the hedge amount previously advised (Angus)


The company said that, with specialist contractors and commissioning agents, it was making good progress with the testing and inspection of the facilities.

“Whilst mechanical integrity is now complete, electrical and control circuitry continues to be tested both individually and as a whole to ensure that the SCADA control system functions in all eventualities – most particularly those emergency cases.

“Progress is good and we expect to complete these tests and verifications before Monday 18 July 2022 at which time live gas can be introduced to the plant, if not before.  

“First gas export into the grid (commercial sales) will be made under the off-take with Shell shortly thereafter.”

Angus anticipated production during Q3 would “comfortably” exceed the hedge amount as advised on 28 June 2022.

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