News Oil & Gas

Angus commissions B7T sidetrack at Saltfleetby

Angus Energy plc this morning commissioned the recently drilled B7T sidetrack well at Saltfleetby gas field in east Lincolnshire.

Construction: of a permanent flowline will begin this month with completion anticipated in late summer (Angus Energy)


The company connected the well by a temporary flowline to the production facilities on the site and processed gas is being delivered to the National Grid.

“At present the well is flowing at approximately 4 mmscfd with the B2 well at 2 mmscfd –  each well’s flow rate being intentionally restricted in order to allow for co-production within the capacity of a single compressor,” said Angus in a statement.


The company has temporarily retired the A4 well to facilitate the balancing of pressure and flow rates of the two other wells.

Operations will continue in the same way while the new well is monitored and production stabilises, before moving to dual compressor operations and reintroducing the A4 well into production on or shortly after the 10 May.

The company added that the A4 well had been producing over 2 mmscfd and the B2 well over 3 mmscfd during April, to give average monthly production of 5.3 mmscfd.

Angus will report combined flow rates with all three wells and both compressors later this month.


The temporary flowline with additional separation permitted the continued clean up of the well without wasteful gas flaring.

The company said it expected the performance of the B7T well to continue to improve with production.

Construction of a permanent flowline will begin this month, with completion anticipated in late summer.


Angus added that, with production approaching a stable plateau, it would look to monetise its other oil assets as well as develop a long-term transition storage capability at Saltfleetby.

The company will also progress its geothermal programme and explore other “strategic opportunities”.