News Oil & Gas

Angus begins works for SF-7 sidetrack well

Angus Energy plc today began the SF-07 sidetrack well programme by testing blow-out preventers in advance of spudding at Saltfleetby in Lincolnshire.

Timetable: Angus will begin to have confidence in likely production rates in approximately 40 days (Angus Energy)


The company said it expected to run equipment in hole to a depth of 1,300m “reasonably swiftly” over this coming weekend.

Above this depth, at around 1150m, a whipstock* will be set and the 9 5/8″ window milled through the casing and cement.

“Early next week directional drilling begins in earnest in 8.5” bore at a low angle to the vertical to a total depth of around 2,560m (TD) which should terminate about 1m into the target reservoir. 

“The speed of drilling the first section (8.5” section) is likely to vary during this element of the programme, but an estimate of 8-10 days is not unreasonable “

“Thereafter the drilling will be nearly horizontal and slower for a further 300-400 m. 

“The total programme, including clean up of the well, is expected to last some 35 days.”


Angus said it might be able to note success in the actual drilling activity after approximately 30 days but would need a further 10 days to begin to have confidence in likely production rates. 

The company added that few drilling programmes closely followed predicted timetables.

“Production from the existing wells continues at previously advised rates at Saltfleetby excepting a four-hour planned maintenance shutdown yesterday for a software upgrade.”

* a wedge allowing the hole to be drilled at an angle to the vertical

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