Metals & Minerals News

Anglesey to start first drill since 2012 at Parys

Anglesey Mining plc said it would in early November start the first drill programme since 2012 at its copper-zinc-lead project at Parys Mountain, Anglesey.

Studies: Anglesey Mining will engage a specialist to help with the permitting activities at Parys Mountain (Visit Anglesey)


The company has engaged Irish Drilling for a minimum nine-hole programme for 2,750m designed to provide additional information for the planned feasibility study in 2022.

Anglesey said that around 78% of the White Rock resource is in the indicated category.

The programme includes infill drilling of the White Rock Zone to 280m below surface to increase the remaining inferred resource to indicated category.

Drilling will also provide geotechnical information for the mine design and additional metallurgical testwork from the Engine Zone and White Rock Zone.

The company has started a gap analysis of studies and reports since the late 1980s to determine work needed over the next six to 2 months ahead of the environmental and permitting process.

 Resource Category Tonnes (Mt) Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%) Ag (g/t) Au (g/t)
White Rock Zone Indicated4.
Resource estimate based on GMPV cut-off of US$48/t (Anglesey Mining)


Chief executive and managing director Jo Battershill said that the company expected to have results during Q1 2022.

“We aim to engage a specialist consultant to assist with the environmental baseline and permitting activities at Parys Mountain as soon as possible given the potential lead time usually required with baseline work.”

Parys Mountain copper-zinc-lead deposit has a 2020 reported resource of 5.2 million tonnes at 4.3% combined base metals in the indicated category and 11.7 million tonnes at 2.8% combined base metals in the inferred category.