Metals & Minerals News

Anglesey exploration returns strong assays

Anglesey Mining plc returned strong drill hole assays in broad widths at its 100%-owned volcanogenic massive sulphide project at Parys Mountain, northwest Wales.

Second: NCZ002 is currently at a depth of 360m with the northern copper zone target estimated to begin at 420m (Anglesey Mining)


The results are from the recently completed drill hole NCZ001, the first from the 2023-2024 infill drilling programme of the Northern Copper and Garth Daniel zones.
NCZ001 was designed to repeat the early 1970s drill hole, H34, which intersected three mineralised zones that bulked out to 146 metres at 1.2% copper equivalent (CuEq).

The intersection encountered is estimated to be approximately 75 metres up-dip from the H34 intersection and provides a valuable “infill pierce point”.

The drill programme’s main target is to provide additional pierce points to upgrade current inferred resources to the indicated category.

In the Garth Daniel zone drill hole NCZ001 22m showed 2.3% copper, 2.8% zinc, 1.3% lead, 5.0g/t silver and 0.03g/t gold (3.7% CuEq / 9.2% ZnEq) from a depth of 559m.

The Northern Copper zone’s significant intersections returned 11m at 0.6% Cu, 1.4% Zn, 0.5% Pb, 9.0g/t Ag and 0.4g/t Au (1.3% CuEq / 3.6% ZnEq) from a depth of 503m.

This included 4m at 1.1% Cu, 2.7% Zn, 1.0% Pb, 16g/t Ag and 0.7g/t Au (2.4% CuEq / 6.9% ZnEq) from 510m.

Interim chairman Andrew King said the company was very encouraged by the broad widths across both zones.

“In particular, we are excited to see the significant intersection within the Garth Daniel zone.

“The 22-metre intersection grading 3.7% copper equivalent we believe continues to demonstrate the prospectivity of the Parys Mountain mineralised system.”

“Infill drilling of these mineralised zones will play a crucial role in the development studies for Parys Mountain.”

He added that the second drill hole, NCZ002, is currently at a depth of around 360m with the Northern Copper zone target estimated to begin at a downhole depth of around 420m.

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