Metals & Minerals News

Anglesey assays show mineralised system at White Rock

Anglesey Mining plc said its second round of assay results showed an “extensive mineralised system” in the White Rock deposit at the company’s polymetallic project on Parys Mountain on Anglesey, Wales.

Figure 4.2: isometric view of the Parys Mountain deposit (Micon/Anglesey)


The company, which owns 100% of the copper-zinc-lead-silver-gold volcanogenic massive sulphide project, added that the results also showed multiple broad intercepts.

Micon International’s preliminary economic assessment scoping study identified mineralised envelopes defined in four areas of the deposit: Engine Zone, the White Rock Zone, the Deep Engine Zone and the Garth Daniel Zone.

Anglesey Mining’s drill programme aims to increase resources in the indicated category for the White Rock deposit, which was 4.7Mt, or 79%, before the start of drilling.


The second round of assay results are from three additional holes of the recent infill drilling programme at Parys Mountain.

Intersections include:

– 9.0m at 4.9% Zn, 3.1% Pb, 0.2% Cu, 24g/t Ag and 0.3g/t Au (WD-20 from 133.5m) including 6.0m at 6.3% Zn, 4.0% Pb, 0.2% Cu, 25g/t Ag and 0.3g/t Au

– 11.0m at 3.7% Zn, 2.3% Pb, 0.2% Cu, 27g/t Ag and 0.3g/t Au (WD-20 from 146.5m) including 4.0m at 5.6% Zn, 3.8% Pb, 0.3% Cu, 43g/t Ag and 0.3g/t Au

– 1.04m at 8.5% Zn, 5.3% Pb, 1.0% Cu, 27g/t Ag and 0.3g/t Au (WD-21 from 195m)

12.8m at 3.0% Zn, 1.3% Pb, 0.2% Cu, 51g/t Ag and 0.5g/t Au (WD-22 from 167.9m) including 4.2m at 5.6% Zn, 2.5% Pb, 0.4% Cu, 95g/t Ag and 0.8g/t Au

Anglesey Mining said that the final two holes would be logged to assist with geotechnical domain modelling to optimise the design of the underground mine.


Over the next month, samples will be selected for the metallurgical testwork programme which includes dense media separation and XRT ore sorting pre-concentration studies.

Historical pre-concentration studies have demonstrated a 40% mass rejection of waste with only 3-5% metal losses, said the company.

Chief executive Jo Battershill added that the ability to remove selectively the unmineralised material would have “significant economic ramifications” for the development studies.


The company continues with ecological surveys required for the environmental baseline work, and will soon start initial tailings management and design studies


Mr Battershill added that work was progressing on planning the Northern Copper Zone infill drilling programme, scheduled for later in 2022.

The company is reviewing the historical drilling and resource model with the aim of optimising the infill drilling in the zones closest to surface.

These areas could have the most immediate impact on the mine design and production schedule, he added.