Metals & Minerals News

Altus Strategies notes exceptional intersect at Diba

Altus Strategies plc announced more encouraging with one exceptional high grade results from reverse circulation (RC) drilling at its 100% owned Diba gold project in western Mali.

Altus Strategies’ plans up to 7,500m of air core and 12,500m of reverse circulation drilling at Diba (Pixabay)


Diba hosts a shallow-dipping, near-surface gold deposit and a number of other prospective targets.

The RC programme is designed to expand and infill the existing Diba resource, as well as define a maiden resource at the Diba NW prospect.

Today’s results of intersections from the deposit include (down-the-hole and not true widths): 

8.50 g/t Au over 24m from 20m (including 26.45 g/t Au over 7m)

2.54 g/t Au over 30m from 36m

1.30 g/t Au over 30m from 12m

2.45 g/t Au over 15m from 26m

Chief executive Steve Poulton said described the intersection of 8.50 g/t Au over 24m from 20m downhole as “exceptional”.

The planned drilling programme at Diba includes up to 7,500m of air core (AC) and 12,500m of RC drilling.

To date, 2,989m of AC and 1,803m of RC drilling have been completed.

The programme is due to recommence after the current rainy season which ends in September.