Metals & Minerals News

Altus notes high grade Cu-Ag at new projects in Morocco

Altus Strategies plc announced findings of high-grade copper and silver from reconnaissance exploration at its new copper-silver assets in the western Anti-Atlas of Morocco.

Encouraging: Altus has generated numerous copper-silver targets for follow-up exploration at the Moroccan projects (Altus Strategies)

The Azrar, Izougza and Tata projects, covering 252 km2, are held by the company’s 100% owned subsidiary Aterian Resources Ltd.

Exploration has also started on the recently granted Jafra, Tiddas and Amsa projects.

Along with the Agdz, Zaer, Takzim and Ammas projects, the mining royalty company now holds 10 prospective assets totalling 675 km2 in Morocco.


The Azrar, Izougza and Tata projects lie in established current and historic copper and silver mining districts.

Results from initial prospecting show for the Izougza copper-silver project: up to 8.37 % Cu in breccia; Azrar copper project: up to 3.41 % Cu and 56 g/t Ag in breccia; and Tata copper project: up to 0.24 % Cu in sediments.

Altus said that several occurrences of historic hard rock artisanal mining had been mapped.

Chief executive Steven Poulton described the results as excellent and highly encouraging.

“Perhaps more significantly is the confirmation of prospective geological formations for stratiform sediment-hosted deposits, as well as contact breccias, along with the presence of multiple historic artisanal workings.

“Our field teams have generated numerous targets for follow up exploration.”