Metals & Minerals News

Alba to submit renewed application to dewater Llechfraith shaft at Clogau

Alba Mineral Resources plc said it aimed to submit in September its renewed application to dewater the Llechfraith shaft at the Clogau-St David’s gold project in North Wales.

Consultants: are revising the ecological and technical report (Alba)


In November 2021, regulator Natural Resources Wales (NRW) refused to grant the company permission to dewater the shaft which lies below the Llechfraith adit level. 

The company said that dewatering was a necessary first step to gain access to the Llechfraith payshoot, one of Alba’s primary in-mine targets. 


In March 2022, the company submitted additional data and analysis to the regulator. 

Alba added that, following feedback, it had in the past few months extended ecological and species surveys in order to expand its ecological dataset generated during the past three to four years. 

“The company’s ecological consultants are in the process of updating the previously submitted ecological and technical report,” added Alba in a statement.

“Once the survey data for August is incorporated, the company intends to submit the revised report and renewed dewatering applications in the first half of September. 

“The company remains confident that it will ultimately be successful in its bid to dewater the shaft.” 

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