Metals & Minerals News

Alba to start field work on Gwynfynydd gold mine

Alba Mineral Resources plc announced it would begin its first field work on Gwynfynydd gold mine in the next planned phase of work at its Dolgellau gold exploration project in north Wales.

Simple: Alba Mineral Resources will use a different methodology and mindset for initial field work at Gwynfynydd (Alba Mineral Resources)

The project encompasses parts of the Dolgellau gold field that lie outside the footprint of the site’s two mines; Clogau-St David’s gold mine and Gwynfynydd gold mine.

The work will involve stream sediment sampling over two areas and is designed to identify hard-rock gold sources upstream of the sampling locations.

It will be the first field work on the Gwynfynydd exploration licence area since Alba was awarded the licence in November 2020.

Executive chairman George Frangeskides said that the company was very optimistic about the prospects for finding new gold deposits in the Dolgellau gold field.

“As we all emerge from a tough winter, for more reasons this year than usual, our technical team are positively champing at the bit to get out into the Dolgellau gold field and continue our work to find new sources of gold that have never been exploited before.

“This regional exploration is a separate exercise to our work to bring the Clogau-St David’s and Gwynfynydd gold mines back into commercial production.

“It requires a different methodology and mindset, and the use, to start with at least, of some quite simple field exploration tools and techniques that are employed in countless mineral exploration projects the world over, such as stream sediment sampling.

“Nonetheless, this is important and potentially very significant work.

“For the first time, we will be expanding our regional exploration programme to cover our recently granted Gwynfynydd exploration licence.”

Alba has the exclusive exploration rights over the entire length of the Dolgellau gold field including the two mines.

During 2018-19, Alba conducted an extensive soil sampling programme over the Dolgellau gold belt.

A total of 1,996 samples were taken, and continuous gold mineralisation was confirmed over a 9km stretch, with 10 separate gold targets identified away from historic mine workings.