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Alba starts surface and underground drilling at Clogau gold mine

Alba Mineral Resources plc said it had started the second phase of underground diamond drilling programme and surface drilling at Clogau-St David’s gold mine, North Wales. 

Drilling: Alba wants to maximise the progress during this spring/summer field season towards proving up zones for gold production (Pixabay)


On 12 April, Phase 2 of its surface drill programme began and will consist of eight to 10 holes for around 2,000m. 

The drilling is targeting the 550m main lode extension indicated by the underground drilling last year. 

Alba said that both holes (JW001 – final depth 240.3m, and JW002 – final depth 204.3m) intersected the projected lodes as predicted. 

JW001 intersected the main lode extension at 34m and the Grandfathers lode extension at 190m. The latter indicates that this lode extends for at least 60m downdip.  

JW002 intersected the main lode extension at 95m and the 710 lode extension at 190m at about 40m below the Llechfraith Level.

Alba added that the continuity of the lodes at depth was “very encouraging” from the perspective of increasing possible resources in the future. 

Drilling has now started on the third Phase 2 hole JW003.


The underground drill programme‘s main focus is to continue with the exploration and delineation of the main lode to the north.  

Two holes so far been completed out of a planned 12 holes to be drilled from three platforms for a total of 1,460m.

HoleDrill PadAzimuthDipDepth
GMOW_UG0011130 5180
GMOW_UG003120 10140
GMOW_UG00410 5120
GMOW_UG0062350 10100
GMOW_UG0072310 10120
GMOW_UG0092160 5140
Total Metres1,460
Table 1: Details of azimuth/dip and planned length/depth for each of the 12 planned drill holes (AMR)

Three holes will also be drilled to the south to test for a southern lode structure. 

Alba will conduct the programme using its Kempe U3-9BQ pneumatic drill machine.

In October 2020, Phase 1 underground drilling programme for 559m was completed and intersected what Alba believes to be the westerly, 550-metre extension of the Clogau main lode.

This was the source of most historic production at Clogau-St David’s Gold Mine.

Phase 2 will continue with the exploration and delineation of the main lode to the north.


Alba executive chairman George Frangeskides said the company was delighted to be drilling underground again.

“This is the first time we have drilled simultaneously both from the surface and underground at Clogau-St David’s.

“That is a measure of our determination to maximise the progress we make during this spring/summer field season towards proving up zones for future gold production.”

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