Metals & Minerals News

Alba starts phase II surface drilling at Clogau gold mine

Alba Mineral Resources plc said it had started the second phase of the surface drilling programme at Clogau-St David’s gold mine, North Wales.

Continuity: Alba hopes the 550-metre extension to the Clogau Main Lode will be the main zone for extraction (Pixabay)

Drilling eight to 10 holes for some 2,000 metres will target what Alba believes to be the westerly, 550-metre extension to the Clogau Main Lode which is the source of most of the historic gold production at the mine.

Following confirmation, the area of continuity will become a primary zone for underground development and extraction.

Phase 2 drilling will also seek to intersect projected depth extensions of the historically worked Grandfathers Lode and the 7-10 Lode.

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