Metals & Minerals News

Alba starts 1,700 drill to prepare mineral resource for Amitsoq graphite

Alba Mineral Resources plc said it had started drilling in preparation for an initial mineral resource at the Amitsoq Island graphite deposit, southern Greenland.

Figure 2: drill sites at the southern end of Amitsoq Island, view towards NW. Outcrops of graphite layers in yellow with mapped faults in red dashed lines (AMR)

The miner aims to drill 15 holes for 1,700 metres in some six weeks.

Alba has previously reported Amitsoq graphite to be among the highest-grade graphite projects in the world, averaging 28.7% total graphitic carbon (TGC).

The Kalaaq discovery will also be further explored by mapping, sampling and electromagnetic survey.

Environmental baseline studies will be conducted as the foundation for a future environmental impact assessment (EIA). 


Alba’s subsidiary Obsidian Mining Ltd has prepared five drill pads at 100-200m spacing along strike, situated on top of the steep ridge that forms the southern tip of the island.

From each pad, three holes will be drilled with varying dip to intercept the upper and lower graphite horizons at increasing depths.

The proposed hole layout aims to intercept mineralisation over a strike length of approximately 600m.

Obsidian’s field exploration team of geologists and assistants, drill crew and environmental contractors will live on a chartered vessel anchored near the site. A helicopter will transport equipment to site.

Subsequent work will progress to the development stage and include a scoping study.

A key part of this will assess mining methods, logistics and infrastructure requirements, refinement of the process flowsheet and mine waste management.