Metals & Minerals News

Alba reports ‘highly creditable’ fines gold

Alba Mineral Resources plc said it had a “highly creditable” result from processing fines from the surface waste tip at its Clogau-St David’s gold mine in north Wales.

Potential: so far no other significant remedial works for No.5 level (Pixabay)


Trench one revealed 16.4 grams equating to back-calculated head grade for the -20mm fines material of 3.83 g/t from trench one.

Trench three resulted in 14.2 grams, equating to 2.68 g/t, with an overall average of 3.19 g/t.

The company said it would complete the planned trenching programme before deciding whther to extend the programme, which requires planning permission.

Alba has also completed a further round of underground safety and access works on level 4 at Clogau, including installation of ladderways to the now dewatered and accessible level 5, ahead of blasting.

An initial survey showed a “significant” amount of material comprising ore and possibly tailings from previous mining and processing, which will be removed before blasting begins. 

The company also confirmed an extensive historical development, between No.4 and No.5 level, of a “horizontal level” running approximately 20 metres in length.

The horizontal level, not shown in old underground plans but seen in a historical section drawing, provides access to the targeted payshoot.

Executive chairman George Frangeskides added: “While we have discovered a lot of left behind ore on No.5 level, together with what looks like tailings from past processing, which material will need to be removed to surface, on the plus side it provides a potential further source of gold content.

“We are pleased to report that we have so far found no other significant issues requiring remedial works on No.5 level.”

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