Metals & Minerals News

Alba Mineral refused water discharge permit for Clogau-St David’s gold mine

Alba Mineral Resources plc said its application had been refused for an environmental permit to discharge water at Clogau-St David’s gold mine in North Wales.

Consider: Alba will look at NRW’s reasons for refusing the applicatiaons (Alba Mineral Resources)


Alba had planned to allow treated mine water from the Llechfraith shaft to discharge to the Afon Cwm-llechen (River Cwm-Llechen).

The company today reported that Natural Resources Wales (NRW) had refused its application as well as a related application for a European Protected Species licence.

A decision is pending on an application for an abstraction licence in connection with the dewatering scheme.


Alba said that the refusal was based on NRW’s assessment of the potential environmental impact on the EPS/Special Area of Conservation (SAC) features of lesser horseshoe bat and otter using the former Clogau adit/mine workings.

However, the NRW confirmed that the information provided by Alba showed that the water discharge itself would ‘not have an adverse effect’ on the estuary and integrity of Pen Llyn A’r Sarnau / Lleyn Peninsula and The Sarnau marine SAC, Cardigan Bay and Cardigan Bay/ Bae Ceredigion SAC and West Wales Marine / Gorllewin Cymru Forol SAC.  


“The company has not been notified yet of the outcome of its application for an abstraction licence in connection with the dewatering scheme, however, given the refusal of the discharge permit, it is expected that the abstraction licence will also not be granted,” added Alba in a statement.

“The company is disappointed by this outcome and considers that the scheme it has presented presents no adverse impact upon the environment including protected species. 

“The company and its environmental and ecological consultants will be considering the reasons given by NRW in greater detail in the coming days and considering the grounds to appeal the decision.”

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