Extractive Industries

Alba processes bulk sample from Clogau gold mine

Alba Mineral Resources said that the underground bulk sample collected last year was being processed at the company’s pilot processing plant at Clogau-St David’s gold mine.

Bulk samples: Alba Mineral Resources has taken steps to increase employees at its processing plant (Pixabay)

Processing times were taking longer than anticipated due to various factors including the need to fine-tune the process circuit.

The first bulk sample was taken from previously worked areas of the mine, therefore high-grade results are not expected. 

The sample will be used as test material to refine the processing plant to full optimisation in order to maximise gold recoveries before further bulk samples are processed. 

Some 15 tonnes of material from the existing bulk sample have so far been processed.

The miner said it had recently taken steps to increase employees at the plant and anticipated completing the processing of the current bulk sample sometime in May.

Produced concentrates will then be sent to an accredited laboratory for assaying.

The junior miner also reported that drill core from Phase 1 surface drilling was currently being assayed.

Alba added that it was still awaiting a decision from Natural Resources Wales on the company’s application for a water discharge permit to enable Alba to start dewatering exercise at the Llechfraith Shaft.

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