Metals & Minerals News

Alba notes substantial precious and base metals results in Dolgellau

Alba Mineral Resources plc said it had a suite of substantial precious and base metal results from its field exploration in the Dolgellau gold field (DGF), Wales.

Figure 1: Alba licence areas in the Dolgellau gold field outlined in red (Alba Mineral Resources)


Alba has conducted further exploration across a number of high-priority regional targets in the DGF.

The company said that multi-commodity mineralisation had been confirmed from sampling at Hafod Owen prospect and Carndochan gold mine.


Hafod Owen prospect has in-situ gold mineralisation grading up to 1.5 g/t gold (with previous sampling grading up to 24.1 g/t gold) and spoil tip samples grading 0.353 g/t gold and 6.76% copper).

At Carndochan gold mine samples returned grades of up to 20.6 g/t gold, 27.1 g/t silver and 1.175% lead.

Alba also identified a new regional exploration target of the Afon Gain prospect.

Two historic trial mining sites sampled, with precious metal grades of up to 2.43 g/t gold and 33.7 g/t silver and base metal grades of up to 3.96% copper, 4.25% lead and 2.39% zinc.

The Caerwych prospect was also identified within new licence expansion, with copper grades of up to 2.92% Cu and structural gold targets identified for follow-up work.


Alba’s executive chairman George Frangeskides said that the strong base metals found at Dolgellau had greatly increase the project’s multi-commodity potential. 

“With grades for high demand metals of up to 3.96% copper, 4.25% lead and 2.39% zinc at the newly identified Afon Gain prospect, we look forward to continuing to advance this multi-faceted UK project and quantifying its full potential.”


He added that company would also submit further information to its application to dewater the Llechfraith shaft at the Clogau-St David’s gold mine, which was recently refused.