Metals & Minerals News

Alba to restart exploration at lead-zinc project in Limerick

Alba Mineral Resources plc said it would restart exploration including drilling after it had identified three main target zones at its Limerick base metals project in Ireland.

PL 3824 licence is outlined in purple. The three target areas are coloured orange and labelled 1-3. Historic drill holes are marked in green and labelled TC-xxxx-xxx (drilled by Teck Resources in JV with Alba) and 10/19-xxxx-xx (drilled by Alba)


A structural review showed three exploration target areas lie within PL3824, each with a number of structural and geological features found in zinc-lead deposits in the Irish zinc ore field.

Alba said that the findings supported its decision to renew the licence and restart exploration.


The company now intends to assay a selection of the historic drill core for zinc mineralisation.

Alba is also considering short exploratory drilling, followed by deeper exploration drilling, at target 3 to confirm the bedrock stratigraphy.

The company’s technical team will further assimilate the results of the structural review before moving to the detailed planning of a field programme for the three exploration targets.


Executive chairman George Frangeskides added that the Limerick Basin had seen recent exploration successes.

These include the Carricklittle project, some 10 km from Alba’s licence area, which showed drill intercepts of 7 metres at 30% zinc-lead combined, 5 metres at 14% zinc-lead combined, and 3 metres at 10.8% zinc-lead combined.