Finance Metals & Minerals News

Alba starts dewatering lower Llechfraith

Alba Mineral Resources plc has begun dewatering the Lower Llechfraith workings containing the primary gold target within the Clogau-St David’s mine system in North Wales.

Flights: are expected to begin in late August or September and will cover numerous regional gold exploration targets (Pixabay)


The company added it expected to start safety works this week.

However, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) geophysical survey flights planned over the wider Dolgellau gold exploration project are postponed following further delays in regulators processing the company’s application.

The flights, now expected to begin in late August or September, will cover “numerous regional gold exploration targets”.


Alba also reported the total raised of £15,150 through issuing 12.12 million new ordinary shares each at a price of 0.125 pence in the July broker option.

On admission the total number of ordinary shares in issue will be 7,733,688,996, with voting rights. The company holds no shares in treasury.

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