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Alba Mineral dewaters Clogau to level 3

Alba Mineral Resources plc has dewatered the lower Llechfraith workings at Clogau-St David’s gold mine to level 3 and completed field work at the historic Caerwych mine site.

Figure 2: Alba licence areas in red and regional targets Afon Gain, Hafod Owen & Caerwych in magenta (Alba)


The programme began following Natural Resources Wales’ refusal to allow a higher pump rate after heavy rainfall reflooded the lower Llechfraith workings.

The company said it continued emergency dewatering to protect safety and access works.

The company’s application is “progressing” for formal variations to the discharge and abstraction permits.

An application has also been submitted to modify the existing European Protected Species Licence.

This will retain the current bat exclusion measures after 31 October so that, once the workings are fully dewatered, the company can begin exploration at level 4 of the lower Llechfraith workings during Winter.


On the wider project, Alba recently completed follow-up field reconnaissance at the Caerwych mine site.

Historical mining activity was largely within the Gamlan formation, underlying the Clogau shales, to produce base metals.

Alba added it had taken several samples from spoil tips and outcropping veins and is awaiting multi-element assay results.

The company has also received approval from the Civil Aviation Authority for a geophysical survey by unmanned aerial vehicle over some key regional gold targets.

The survey is due to start, subject to the weather, in the week beginning 30 October. 

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