Metals & Minerals News

Alba confirms global grade graphite from results at Amitsoq

Alba Mineral Resources plc’s investee announced that drill assay and channel sampling results confirm one of the highest global grades of graphite at Amitsoq, southern Greenland.

Confidence: the results come ahead of GreenRoc’s step-out drill programme planned for 2022 (Alba Mineral Resources)


GreenRoc Mining plc, in which Alba holds a 54% interest, added that the deposit had greater thickness and consistency than previously thought.

The company confirmed high-grade graphite mineralisation with increasing true widths observed down dip on both the upper and lower graphite layers.

The results support the potential for a sizeable JORC mineral resource estimate which is to be made in due course.


The lower graphite layer (LGL) returned drill intercepts grading up to 23.01% C(g) and channel samples grading up to 30.35% C(g).

The upper graphite layer (UGL) returned drill intercepts grading up to 19.83% C(g) and channel samples grading up to 27.40% C(g).

Drilling confirmed significant true width thickness of graphite layers, including LGL: 15.60m @ 22.34% C(g) from 93.61m, and LGL: 14.95m @ 22.82% C(g) from 102.19m


The deposit is open along strike (mainly to the north) and down dip. This will be tested during the Phase II drill programme.

There are also significant down-dip extensions and an increase in thickness from the surface outcrop.

The company added that the presence of low-grade uranium content posed no problems for future development under new Greenlandic legislation.


“These results from the 2021 drilling campaign confirm the Amitsoq Island deposit as one of the highest grade graphite deposits in the world,” said GreenRoc chief executive Kirk Adams.

“This [news] gives us confidence for the step-out drilling programme which we have planned for 2022 and we are positive about the prospects for the ultimate resumption of mining at the Amitsoq Island deposit.”