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Alba completes dewatering lower Llechfraith level 4

Alba Mineral Resources plc has become the first company in decades to walk on level 4 of the lower Llechfraith workings following completion of dewatering in Clogau-St David’s gold mine.

Consultants: will begin compilation and interpretation of the geophysical survey data (Pixabay)


Along with using pump rates of up to 250 cubic metres per day, specialist geotechnical contractors also installed new platforms and ladderways to allow access as soon as it water cleared.

The remaining shallow water is expected to clear within one to two days, but the level is now accessible on foot.

No.4 level will undergo a risk assessment for any further safety works required and preparatory works will begin, including the washing down of walls.

Alba will also plan and start initial exploration work, including mapping, sampling and 3D scanning.

Dewatering will continue in order to clear the target area sufficiently below No.4 Level in preparation for the planned bulk sampling of the lower Llechfraith workings.

For the over the wider Dolgellau gold exploration project, contractors have completed the airborne geophysical survey over the Castle Carndochan target area.

Next flights, weather permitting, will focus over Hafod Owen and Gwynfynydd.

“We are delighted to have dewatered the lower Llechfraith workings down to No.4 Level,” said executive chairman George Frangeskides.

“Alba’s COO Mark Austin and I were able to venture out onto No.4 Level this morning, the first time anyone has walked this key section of the Clogau gold mine for decades.

“The news that the airborne surveys over some of our principal regional gold targets have recommenced and are progressing well is also extremely pleasing. 

“Our specialist consultants are on standby to commence the compilation and interpretation of the geophysical data generated by the survey as soon as it has been completed.”