News Oil & Gas

Block acquires Samgori South Dome 

Block Energy plc has acquired a further 574 billion cubic feet unrisked prospective resources by securing the operational rights in the Samgori South Dome field in southeast Georgia. STRENGTHEN The company’s rights cover the Upper Eocene, Lower Eocene and Upper Cretaceous, following confirmation from the State Agency of Oil and Gas of Georgia.   National […]

Metals & Minerals News

Kavango finds potential gold upgrade at Hillside

Kavango Resources plc reported a “significant upgrade” of potential underground resources following shaft restoration of Prospect 1 at the Hillside gold project in Matabeleland, Zimbabwe. DRILLING The company completed work on the historic main shaft and west shaft, with the removal of historic waste material from the main shaft’s first two levels revealing a deeper, […]

Company Moves News Oil & Gas

Rathlin appoints Paul Harris as independent NED

Rathlin Energy (UK) Ltd has appointed Paul Harris as an independent non-executive director of the board, with immediate effect. Mr Harris is a chartered engineer with 35 years’ experience within the energy sector. He has a technical, regulatory and commercial background and a track record of delivering UK oil and gas projects. Mr Harris’ previous […]

News Oil & Gas

JOG issues 775,000 share options

Jersey Oil & Gas plc has granted options over in aggregate 775,000 ordinary shares of 1p each in the company to its directors, senior management and employees. DIRECTORS The options exercise at 82.5 pence per ordinary share over a period of seven years for executive directors / officers and five years for non-executive directors. A […]