News Oil & Gas

UJO-Reach drilling on Moccasin ‘bears fruit’

Union Jack Oil plc said tests showed initial open hole average flow rate at 25.88 barrels of oil per hour, or 621 barrels of oil per day, in Moccasin 1-13 well in Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma, USA. ZONES Joint venture partner and operator Reach Oil & Gas Company Inc continues to evaluate the well while it starts installation of permanent production facilities and […]

News Oil & Gas

Star awards 2m share options to directors

Star Energy Group plc has awarded in aggregate 1,999,000 nil cost options over shares in the company to its directors. PLANS Chief executive officer Ross Glover received 300,000 awards and chief financial officer Frances Ward received 225,000 under Star’s 2015 management retention plan. Under its 2016 executive incentive plan, Mr Glover received a further 525,000 […]