Sunrise Resources plc has received the US$75,000 balance from the sale of its diatomite mining claims in the Crow Springs area of Nevada, USA. ROYALTY Dicalite Management Group bought the assets for $150,000 in April this year. Sunrise retains a royalty of US$6/dry ton of diatomite mined and removed from theclaims. “This payment is being […]
Month: March 2025
Guardian positive on high-grade Pilot results
Guardian Metal Resources plc’s assays showed “one of the longest mineralised intervals” with an intersection of 46m from the expanded drilling programme at Pilot Mountain in Nevada, USA. MRE The results are from Desert Scheelite drill core samples from holes PM24-014 to PM24-017, with “very high grade tungsten and copper”. PM24-017 best results to date […]
Sea Lion FID deferred to mid-2025
Rockhopper Exploration plc’s partner has indicated that the final investment decision has moved from late 2024 to mid-2025 with first oil during Q4 2027 at Sea Lion in the North Falkland Basin. AREAS The company added that the gross capital expenditure needed to first oil had risen to US$1.4 billion due to inflation but the project […]
UJO encounters quality reservoir in Taylor
Union Jack Oil plc said it had encountered quality reservoir with two potential further secondary intervals in the joint venture Taylor 1-16 well in Seminole County, Oklahoma, USA. OBJECTIVE Operator Reach Oil and Gas Inc drilled the well to a total depth of 4,577 feet, reaching the target Hunton Limestone interval at 4,168ft. The interval […]
Kavango targets MRE for Hillside open pit mine
Kavango Resources plc has started drilling to delineate a mineral resource for the basis of an open pit mine at Prospect 3 within the Hillside gold project in Matabeleland, southern Zimbabwe. DEPOSITS The programme will also obtain samples for metallurgical test work. Prospect 3 is the second of two priority targets at Hillside, with Prospect […]
Panther converts £53,668 CLNs into shares
Panther Metals plc has received notice to convert the remaining principal amount of convertible loan notes plus interest for a total £53,668 including a 4.25% extension premium. The Ontario-focused company issued to the remaining holders 52,360 new ordinary shares at £1.025 per ordinary share. Following admission, Panther’s total issued share capital will consists of 4,279,080 […]